
Moody Project Wall: Deborah D.E.E.P Mouton, “_____ as Myth”

Fall 2022 | A collaboration between Mouton, local artists and Rice University students

October 27, 2022 – January 14, 2023
Moody Center for the Arts

The latest installation in the Moody Project Wall series, "_____ as Myth,"  led by Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton, offers a community-centered exhibition that explores mythology as a catalyst for self-discovery and social commentary. Taking inspiration from Mouton’s memoir Black Chameleon, the artwork on view is a result of students and local artists investigating how modern-day mythology can explain the nuances of our everyday experiences. 

Through her residency at Rice University’s Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning (CERCL), Mouton led students through community workshops to write new myths based on their own experiences. Those stories then became source material for local and regional artists to create the artworks that comprise the exhibition, "______ as Myth." Mouton's book, Black Chameleon, explains the Black American Women’s experience through exploring idioms like “How we got eyes in the back of our heads” and examining colloquial figures like Boo Boo the Fool. The student's work likewise reflects a broad investigation into lived experiences but with a much wider range of personal histories. 

"The diversity of voices and backgrounds makes the storytelling richer," said Mouton. "It shows we're all capable of filling in the gaps of our own mythology." 

This installation is made possible by Rice University’s Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning (CERCL), with support from the Moody Center for the Arts.

You can learn more about the Rice student collaborators and local artists who contributed to this project here.