
Opening Reception for Platform: Martha Tuttle

Celebrate the new installation

Friday, March 01, 2024 | 5:00pm-7:00pm
Lawn adjacent to Anderson Biological Laboratories

On March 1st, guests kicked off Women’s History Month with Martha Tuttle’s site-specific public artwork commissioned by the Moody. Combining imagery and poetry, her lyrical installation, the bear that longs to touch the ocean, evokes the Ursa Major (Big Bear) constellation and its various meanings.  The reception included a conversation between Tuttle and photo-based artist Angela Chen about their collaborative approaches to the environment. 

Guests were the first to see this impressive work and met the artist! Bites and beverages were provided! Visitors were encouraged to park in the North Lot along Rice Boulevard. 

Click here to learn more about the work and Martha Tuttle.