Hope Stone Dance: "5 Pieces of Candy"
Inspired by the Moody’s summer exhibitions of works by artists Tacita Dean and Gillian Wearing, Hope Stone Dance (HSD) presents 5 Pieces of Candy. Two months after HSD Artistic Director Jane Weiner’s hip replacement and unsure how her body would recover, Tacita Dean’s Craneway Event brought up questions she had asked herself pre-surgery – Will I still be able to move and create work? How will I adapt – and can I? Seeing the Cunningham dancers’ attentiveness, mind flexibility, and sweetness in working with an aging choreographer and his diminished physical ability, Weiner asked, “Can I recreate myself as a choreographer, simply being a vessel of idea and voice direction, without moving?”
Faced with her own physical limitations and the reality of aging, Weiner thought about works she could revisit, rehearse and retool while she stays seated. Like reaching into a dish of assorted candies, four favorite solos and duets came to her mind, along with the challenge to create a new work, all culminating in 5 Pieces of Candy.