Twilight Epiphany (2012), The James Turrell Skyspace at the Suzanne Deal Booth Centennial Pavilion a

Trajectory of a Curve: A Sound and Light Composition by Kurt Stallmann

Wednesday, November 01, 2017 | 8:00pm
James Turrell Twilight Epiphany Skyspace, free and open to the public

In his writings, Carl Jung compared the lifespan of a human being to the trajectory of a projectile that glides along a curve through the atmosphere while being drawn to its inevitable conclusion. Inspired by this imagery, Kurt Stallmann, Director of the Rice Electroacoustic Music Labs (REMLABS), has created Trajectory of a Curve: A Sound and Light Composition, a new site-specific work for Twilight Epiphany, the James Turrell Skyspace at Rice University. The performance features Alexandra Smither (soprano), and Brandon Bell and Craig Hauschildt (Scuffed Shoe percussion duo).

The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required for entry. Guests are invited to arrive early to guarantee their seat. Rain date: November 3 at 8:00 pm.

Commissioned by the Houston Arts Alliance.